ลำดับ | ชื่อย่อ | ชื่อ | จำนวนรหัสดีโอไอ |
1 | ARDA | Agricultural Research Development Agency (Public Organization) | 4 |
2 | ASDF | Association of Scientists Developers and Faculties | 0 |
3 | BCNSK | Boromarajonani College of Nursing,Songkhla | 0 |
4 | BHRC | Bangkok Health Research Center | 0 |
6 | BRU | Buriram Rajabhat University | 11 |
7 | BSRU | Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University | 206 |
8 | BTU | Bangkok Thonburi University | 4 |
9 | CKC | Chalermkanchana University | 0 |
10 | CMRU | Chiang Mai Rajabhat University | 138 |
11 | CMU | Chiang Mai University | 17,317 |
12 | CPHO | Chaiyaphum Provincial Health Office | 0 |
13 | CPRU | Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University | 17 |
14 | CRRU | Chiang Rai Rajabhat University | 15 |
15 | CRU | Chandrakasem Rajabhat University | 165 |
16 | CU | Chulalongkorn University | 37,501 |
17 | DOA | Department of Agriculture | 207 |
18 | DOI | มหาวิทยาลัยดีโอไอ | 0 |
19 | DPU | Dhurakij Pundit University | 1,350 |
20 | DST | Dermatological Society of Thailand | 0 |
21 | EAU | Eastern Asia University | 0 |
22 | FOSTAT | The Food Science and Technology Association of Thailand | 21 |
23 | HCU | Huachiew Chalemprakiet University | 25 |
24 | HITAP | Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program | 4 |
25 | HSRI | Health Systems Research Institute | 0 |
27 | ISEC | International Struct Eng and Constructn Society | 1,127 |
28 | JGSEE | Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment | 127 |
29 | journal | หน่วยงานเจ้าของบทความวารสาร | 39,712 |
30 | KBU | Kasem Bundit University | 8 |
31 | KKU | Khon Kaen University | 10,225 |
32 | KMITL | King Mongkuts Institute of Technology Ladkrabang | 280 |
33 | KMUTNB | King Mongkut’s of University Technology North Bangkok | 2,879 |
34 | KMUTT | King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi | 6,476 |
35 | KRU | Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University | 10 |
36 | KSU | Kalasin University | 3 |
37 | KU | Kasetsart University | 11,369 |
38 | LPRU | Lampang Rajabhat University | 80 |
39 | LRU | Loei Rajabhat University | 223 |
40 | MCUCR | Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya university Chiang Rai Buddhist College | 0 |